Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Enjoy Holiday

Enjoy Holiday

It was almost a year I do not go there anymore but the memories while I'm there still remembered in my mind, the most memorable vacation. Exactly In February and then I spent my vacation in the city of Jogja. Jogjakarta is a city I think so many memories are not forgotten. When I was up there my heart just can not wait to explore the exotic city, and place the first time I visited was the Malioboro. Malioboro is the name of a street, there are many merchants who sell trinkets unique besides many food vendors hawking foods of Gudeg Jogja. It just so happens I arrived in Yogyakarta at night, so I could enjoy the atmosphere of the city of Yogyakarta night with a lot of that history. Besides Malioboro, Yogyakarta is also in many places must be visited. As Kota Gede is a place that sells silver handicrafts, there I could see the direct manufacture silver keajinan funny. Besides silver good price there is not too expensive. From Kota Gede after I went to the batik cap, and do not forget I also visited the Palace of Jogjakarta there I get to know the history of the city of Jogjakarta so keep the uniqueness that makes the tourists there is admired historical values stored in the city trsebut.

Before I go home to Jakarta, I took tidaka forget to visit Prambanan temple. Prambanan Temple is also the icon of Yogyakarta, in a thousand terdapa Prambanan temple is said to he said of one of these temples is the incarnation of a very beautiful princess who cursed the princess Roro Jonggrang.

After nearly a week I spent the holiday in Jogja, like I did not want to go home to Jakarta alone, because the city's Batik I mandapatkan holiday which I would not forget. But my duty in Jakarta also be the priority, so before you go back to Jakarta I did not forget to buy some souvenirs typical of Jogja city, so I always remember the exotic city of Yogyakarta.

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